Cargilfield Talks
Welcome to the Cargilfield Podcast, where our Headmaster, Rob Taylor, is joined by expert speakers to discuss pivotal topics that affect children aged 3 to 13. The series covers subjects such as choosing the ideal school for your child and strategies for nurturing resilience.
This series is recommended listening for parents.
Cargilfield Talks
Creativity: A Fundamental Life Skill for Nursery-Aged Children
In this episode, Cargilfield's Head of Nursery, Tiffany Murdoch, explores the importance of introducing fun and engaging activities to foster creativity in young children – an essential skill that will make a significant difference to a child's ability to thrive in the future by enabling them to challenge, question, and explore the world around them. In the Nursery, we prioritise equipping boys and girls with the best possible toolkit, knowing that this will help them become healthier, happier, and well-rounded individuals.
Tune in to discover why creativity is a fundamental life skill for nursery-aged children.
To learn more about Cargilfield, a leading independent prep school in Edinburgh, subscribe to our podcast 'Cargilfield Talks' on Spotify or follow us on Instagram.
Considering your child's future education? Discover more about us at www.cargilfield.com.